Flight Training Programs

We're not here simply to get you a license or rating; our objective is to give you a tailored training experience to prepare you to safely and proficiently fly the particular mission you've set as your goal, whether that's for business, pleasure or career building. For example, is your goal to fly long distance cross-country? We’ll modify our lessons so that, together, we’re doing just that. Or perhaps you want to rapidly acquire the skills and knowledge needed to get your commercial rating for a future airline career. We’ll provide you with the accelerated programs and aggressive schedule needed to get you there. Or are you seeking training to fulfill a long-standing bucket list? From the initial discovery flight to your first solo and achieving that life-changing private pilot's license, we’ll guide you through the entire experience.

  • Age Qualifications:

    • Minimum age to Begin Training: 14

    • Minimum age to Solo Aircraft: 16

    • Minimum age to Complete Training: 17

    English Proficiency:

    • Can read, speak, write and understand English

    Medical Certificate:

    • Possess an FAA Third Class Medical Certificate Issued by an Aeromedical Examiner, or through BasicMed issued by a state-licensed physician

    • Ground school training to prepare for the FAA written knowledge exam and oral exam

    • Flight training

    • Solo prep and review

    • Solo flight

    • Navigation, flight planning and air traffic control communications

    • Dual cross-country flight training

    • Solo cross-country flight prep and review

    • Solo cross-country flight

    • 3 hours of honing your skills and training with an instructor to prepare for the practical examination

    • An oral review of general knowledge and flight review by a pilot examiner

Private Pilot Training

Your path to becoming a pilot begins here! As any pilot will attest, there are two moments they will always remember: the day they first soloed, and the day they passed the check ride and earned their Private Pilot Certificate. These will be two of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Clear2Aviate will be there for you, guiding you through each stage of training to become a safe, confident and prepared pilot.

Accelerated IFR Instrument Training

With an above average first-time practical exam pass rate, our accelerated IFR program is ideal for private pilots looking to further their skills to safely fly in the clouds and vastly expand their cross-country piloting capabilities, and for those flying cross-country for business where training time is a factor.

With Michigan so often hampered by low-hanging clouds, trying to plan a VFR flight can be frustrating, especially knowing that if only you could punch up through the clouds a few hundred feet, you'd be rewarded with clear skies. Acquiring the skills needed to achieve your IFR rating puts you in a whole new league of pilots and capabilities, and Clear2Aviate will help get you there, giving you the real-world skills and confidence to fly in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC).

    • Private pilot certificate

    • 38 hours of cross-country Pilot In Command (PIC)

    • IFR knowledge test completed or scheduled

    • Preparing for oral exam and flight simulator

    • Learning to fly in IMC, in both the plane and the simulator

    • Flying by instruments, maneuvers, instrument approaches and emergency operations

    • Navigation, flight planning and air traffic control communications

    • 3 hours of honing your skills and training with an instructor to prepare for the practical examination

    • An oral review of general knowledge and flight review by a pilot examiner

Commercial Training

If you're considering a career as a commercial pilot, Clear2Aviate will prepare you for the aeronautical knowledge and practical skills needed to acquire your commercial certificate.

    • Minimum age: 18

    • Private pilot certificate (with IFR certificate preferred)

    • Ground school training to prepare for the FAA written knowledge and oral exam

    • Maneuver prep and checklist, steep turns, steep spiral, chandelles, lazy eights, eights on pylons, 180 power-off accuracy landings, slow flight, power-off stalls, accelerated stalls, short and soft field takeoffs and landings

    • Cross-country planning, preparation and in-flight training and experience to meet FAA 14 CFR § 61.129 requirements

    • 3 hours of honing your skills and training with an instructor to prepare for the practical examination

    • An oral review of general knowledge and flight review by a pilot examiner

CFI Training

Share your passion for aviation by teaching others how to fly! Clear2Aviate will guide you through the process to become either a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) or a Certified Flight Instrument Instructor (CFII). You'll learn how to effectively teach, develop training methods and scenarios, and further hone your maneuver skills, all while building flight time and proficiency, and instilling your students with the aeronautical decision-making skills to become safe and accomplished pilots.

    • Either a commercial pilot certificate or airline transport pilot certificate

    • Ground school training to prepare for the FAA’s Fundamentals of Instruction and Flight Instructor Airplane knowledge exams and oral exam scenario prep

    • Creating, and through role-playing with your instructor, presenting the lesson plans necessary to prepare your student for their Private Pilot License or (if applicable) Instrument Rating while honing your teaching and presentation skills.

    • Becoming acclimated and proficient at flight right seat. Don’t worry! Soon enough, you’ll come to prefer flying in the right seat.

    • Maneuver preparation and skills refinement

    • 3 hours of honing your skills and training with an instructor to prepare for the practical examination

    • An oral review of general knowledge and flight review in the right seat by a pilot examiner

From Student to Professional